An online academy for scientists.

By scientists.

You want to develop your strengths and become the best version of you.

You realise that you have potential to grow and want to work on your soft skills.

In that case,
you have landed in the right place!

We have created edurational logo

Because scientists learn best from other scientists. Come join the revolution!

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Our Udemy Logo Course

We develop courses from scientists to scientists to help you achieve your full potential.

But beware: you are about to embark in a true revolution.

Very few lectures, a lot of practice.


Scientist to scientist

Daniel Mertens is Group Leader. Eva Benito is a mentor in thesis writing groups

Step-by-Step "protocol"

You can follow along to plan, stay focused and follow through to successfully write your thesis


Define your storyline and generate an outline to be most efficient with your time


2hr of on-demand video
Course prepared in English
Highly qualified instructors

  • How to turn your thesis writing into a project and use project management tools to make an actionable plan
  • How to define the scientific story you will tell in your thesis
  • How to use an extensive outline to be able to write your thesis “in one go”
  • How to produce better figures and illustrations
  • To define your best writing times and be most effective planning time
  • How to prioritise and find a good balance between labwork and thesis writing time
  • How to deal with distractions
  • Scientific writing skills
  • Time management skills
The man who comes back through the door in the wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out.
Great course. It helped me a lot in the creation of better structures and managing my time. Additionally, I was able optimise my figures. Overall, very good course.
– Iris Beirith –

I really liked the video format, instructors do a good job of explaining and giving examples. Maybe the one inconvenience is that videos are pretty long. Worksheets are great and they really take you step by step and they are relevant because you can use your own data and texts. They are quite intense and laborious to work through though. All in all, a pretty complete course that I can definitely recommend!
– Jon Gil Arnedo –

The course is very complete, simple and easy to follow, perfect to put my thesis in order and get much more out of it. Thank you very much for offering it to us!
– Irantzu Suberviola –


The imPerfect Scientist

This is a podcast from Scientist to Scientist.

We want to share our experiences learning to become better at time management, negotiation, conflict management, writing, communicating…

Everything around the hard-core science that is so essential but is not really taught in university.

Because we believe that scientists learn best from other scientists. And from others’ mistakes!

We are going to share our experiences and mistakes – also our successes – and a number of tools to empower you. So that you are better equipped to be the best version of yourself!

EP.18: Are you bouncy? It's all about resilience

After a very timely break...we're back! You'll see why I say timely in a moment, let me just tell you how this episode is packed with super interesting discussions. And that's the case because we had a very special guest for the restart, Dr. Uta Schmidt. Uta has a super interesting personal and professional story, but most importantly, she has the deepest insight into how to handle change and remain resilient in the process.

EP.17: Science is not about finding out the truth (although it would be nice!) - with Andrew Westhoff

How would you feel about this statement: “Science is not about finding out the truth”
Provocative, isn’t it? 😉 - So is our topic today and our guest Andrew Westhoff, but bear with us because this episode is full of useful and down-to-earth advice on how to approach your research life and how to communicate your science in a non-conventional yet super effective way!

EP.16: It's all about perception, with Julia Quante

You know how it is in science, we do often work in interdisciplinary teams with people from all nationalities and cultures. And wow do we at least find this enriching and rewarding!
Yet it does come with some challenges attached, doesn't it? Today's topic with Dr. Julia Quante is intercultural communication, a topic that is not so often heard of in courses you might take during your graduate or postgraduate studies. Yet it is a very deep topic and one that we are sure you can learn about and profit from! We definitely have done both during our conversation with Julia.

EP.15: Why not? - With Iris Beirith

If you’re anything like us, you probably believe(d) that a scientific career is a pretty straightforward thing. That you can think of it as a pretty straight “line” starting with your studies, going into your masters, PhD, postdoc, junior professorship, tenure track, etc. The thing is - like most things in life - this does not always work like that. Sure, that’s kind of the standard path, but there’s a lot of opportunities for side-entering and side-leaving.

EP.14: Uncertainty and the VUCA world

What do you think of when you think of the word “uncertainty”? What kinds of feelings does that trigger in you? Maybe you are thinking of the uncertainty of scientific contracts, maybe about the uncertainty and the unpredictability of research per se.

EP.13: Into the unknown - Transitioning to industry with Ute Pokorny

Are you considering a transition from academia to industry? If you do, you are not alone! Today in the podcast, we talk to Dr. Ute Pokorny, currently the Director of Global Business Excellence at Leica and about how she went through the process of transitioning from academia to industry.

EP.12: How we try to make good decisions

Having trouble making decisions?
In this episode, we talk about a topic that you can all probably relate to: decision-making. Have you ever felt that like the decision you were making was going to “change your life”? Well, believe us, been there done that 🙂

EP.11: Scientific collaboration - Sharing is daring! Our discussion with Florian Kuchenbauer

In this episode of the podcast, we talk about scientific collaboration. We discuss the kind of mindset you can pursue when starting a collaboration, about being open to new collaborations, and about being brave.

EP.10: The concept of "building the plane while flying it" - Alexander Schiller

Do you know the concept? It says "build the plane while flying it" and while it may sound scary, we have found that it is indeed a very valuable way of going through your projects in life. Not to say that you shouldn't plan and leave all to improvisation, but it doesn't hurt to remind yourself that it is always possible to adapt and adjust as you go!

EP.09: Everybody is an impostor... sometimes. Insights with Muna Wagner

So, have you ever looked around at your colleagues and ask yourself: "why do they all seem to be so much smarter than me?" or "so much better qualified than me" or "so much more confident than me"? If you have and that has left you feeling like an impostor then, all we can say is "welcome into the club" 😉

EP.08: How to be convincing in an interview

If you have interviewed for a PhD or postdoc position, or for an industry position you really really liked, then you know how nervous you can get going into it. Sometimes you are so nervous you might not even "be yourself". And that exactly, being yourself, is one of the keys to nailing your next interview.

EP.07: Why it is so damn hard to turn data into good figures (and ways to do it)

In this episode, we talk about "visualization" in scientific terms. We discuss why visuals are so powerful and what are ways in which you can make your visuals stronger!

EP.06: Why - almost - everything you think about becoming a group leader is not true. Talking to Max Happel.

In this week's episode, we have our first and very special guest: Dr. Max Happel is a group leader in Magdeburg. In this episode, we chat with him about expectations, realisations and disappointments in the path to becoming and being a group leader.

EP.05: Make YOUR OWN recipe for success

This episode of our podcast “The imPerfect Scientist” is about finding your career sweet spot. So you don’t have to adapt to the job. Rather you find or even create the job that suits you best, suits best your strengths and values. We might be intuitively aware of our strengths and of our values.

EP.04: Science stories are (not) like campfire stories

In this episode, we talk about why telling a story - yes, a story also for your scientific work - is so important. We talk about how humans process information, why the beginning and the end are crucial, using the “elevator pitch” to define and refine your story, how to break with the mold and actually tell a story that people will remember and why is telling a story important? --> emotionalisation Word of the day: “storyteller”

EP.03: How to present your science so that people actually remember it

In this episode, we talk about a topic that is very close to our hearts: How to present your research in a way that it will be remembered. In our opinion, anything and any format in which you present should be all about getting information across. Sadly, that's often not the case.

EP.02: The soft skills that changed how we work as scientists

In this episode, we share the "soft skills" that have changed us the most during our scientific careers.
We discuss how soft skills can be acquired and practiced and share some of our experiences dealing with challenging situations.

EP.01: Pilot - Why "The imPerfect Scientist(s)"

This is the pilot episode of "The imPerfect Scientist", a podcast from Scientists to Scientists where we share our experiences in scientific life and discuss tools to empower YOU.


Daniel Mertens , P.I. at the University Hospital Ulm and at the DKFZ (wow, right? 😉).

A firm believer in continuing education and sharing (because sharing is caring!), Daniel has been giving workshops for personal and professional development for scientists for over 10 years.

Daniel’s sport to-go is trail biking.

Eva Benito, lab manager at EMBL.

Eva has been bothered by the way science is communicated and presented ever since she started her PhD in neuroscience 😅 Ever since, she has been on a quest to improve presentation and communication skills.

Eva is one of the most stubborn persons you will meet.

Eva’s sport to-go is CrossFit.